10 years we have seen so much together
I miss the little moments and there are so many to count

Do you still think of that lone Grizzly on the prerie 
Get excited by the Lions hunt
Moved by those majestic animals crossing path
Awed by the crevasse and it's cold  breath 
Mesmerized by the white fangs and the survival of the cold
Do you still dream of us

I will always remember the echo in the cobblestone alley
The smell of redwood forest 
Sun light covers our cabin like a canvas
The moon beam down on our path as we trek the Amazon
The salt in the air, the piece of junk moped
And I still remember us

By now I understand, what they say is true
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain
Though I will still feel the rain on my cheek. Time to go. 



    創作者 過客 的頭像


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